Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to access free ancestry, findmypast, and Myheritage accounts:

Click the link and join for free :)

"Technology sharing between FamilySearch and, findmypast, and MyHeritage multiplies offerings, provides deeper and broader research, and combines the unique assets of each partner to best benefit you, the patron."

Monday, October 27, 2014

There's too much to say about Family History and how awesome it is, so I'll just share an awesome experience for me that strengthened my faith. :)

A young woman in my ward really wanted to do Family History, but she had a bunch of problems with her family tree and didn't even have her parents' names on it. I got together with her to try to figure out how to fix it, but after exhausting every idea we had, we still hadn't fixed it. Then an idea came to me that we should say a prayer (I'm sure it was inspired), and after that everything fell into place. We called the Family Search headquarters and were able to fix it, and after that she was able to get all of her lines filled and she found some names! I could feel the Spirit so strongly after we said the prayer, and it strengthened my testimony about Family History so much! It's a wonderful work, and I know it's true!

-Meghan :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Another great experience at the temple. Eliza lots
of family names, it's feels great doing the work!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blessings, Blessings, Blessings.

"Well, I just wanna start out by saying that I am so blessed to get to work on my family history and help others learn about it. I am grateful for the blessings that come from family history. They help buoy me up when trials come my way. It also gives me a feeling of love from my heavenly father and my elder brother.  I am grateful that I can learn about my forever family no matter how many generations away from me they are. And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."


It's Uplifting!

I was amazed to find out how easy and uplifting family history is.  It's kind of crazy how much the spirit of Elijah can touch your heart.  After learning how to use some genealogy tools,  I found 81 temple names. (That was very encouraging because it was so much easier than I thought it would be.)  Taking those names --names I had found myself-- to the temple for the first time was an amazing experience.  I was walking alone on the temple grounds, yet I knew 81 of my brothers and sisters on the other side of the veil were walking with me.  It was a remarkable experience.  I know that those on the other side of the veil are anxiously waiting for their work to be done.  The field is white, all ready to harvest.  I know that as we do this work and serve them, they are excited to do what they can to serve us in return.  This is a work that is resting on our shoulders. I know that as I have served by doing family history, I have been blessed greatly. 

"And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them;
 And from this place they may bear exceedingly great and glorious tidings, in truth, unto the ends of the earth, that they may know that this is thy work, and that thou hast put forth thy hand, to fulfill that which thou hast spoken by the mouths of the prophets, concerning the last days."
--Doctrine and Covenants 109: 22-23


In Family History, when someone mentions the word Roots every one knows what that person is referring to, your ancestry. Much of the time that I have been on the committee I have noticed that our thoughts have been directed towards serving others, in some cases that may include a ward member or a friend at school. This is following one of the commandments, To love they neighbor. This is amazing! This is another leap towards becoming Christ-like,but what I have noticed is that we are often focusing more on others spiritual welfare more than ours. It is common for us as human beings to assume that we are in the clear, and this is why I bring up Roots. I am going to use this term in a personal perspective now. I am going to refer Roots to Desire. The things that you desire are the things that you will become, " before ye seek riches seek the kingdom of god" My Testimony is this brothers and sisters, we are living in a time that really pushes our spiritual strength, a time that makes me worry constantly for my younger brothers, and requires me to ask for a portion of the lords divine grace on their behalf. Now is the time to be firmly Rooted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to NEVER WAVER ( Helaman 5:12) " We cannot help others until we help ourselves" ( Dieter F. Uchtdorf)  I pray that we might begin now by becoming spiritually strong and start gaining our own spiritual strength. If we begin with this, the devils fiery darts will have no affect over us. Let us begin now so that  we can take that extra step of serving others truly, these words I say in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

-Derek Childs